Tag Archives: Al Fresco dining

Naive’s patio offers comfort on a chilly day

By Robin Garr

I really wanted to enjoy an al fresco lunch last Saturday. Conditions were perfect. Spring’s green had grown into a summery green canopy, and mild weather had finally shown up after a long, cool spring.

Then I heard an annoyed yell from the other room. Mary had just checked the weather forecast! Midday temperatures in the upper 50s, partly cloudy, with steady north winds and gusts to 24 mph?

Continue reading Naive’s patio offers comfort on a chilly day

Smoke gets in our eyes? Not necessarily …

Sometimes it is good to be wrong.

Consider, for example, this prophecy I uttered in 2010: “Since the passage of Louisville’s no-smoking law for restaurants and bars, the patios have become the de facto smoking section. If this doesn’t bother you, great! But to be blunt, it makes most patios no-go zones for me.”

That forecast made sense at the time Continue reading Smoke gets in our eyes? Not necessarily …